Dr Tirant’s interest in skin conditions began after a close personal friend’s ongoing battle with psoriasis made him realise how little was actually known about the condition, including what caused the condition to have a waxing and waning pattern. He began to research psoriasis, concentrating not only on the initial precipitating factors but also the identification of the ongoing triggers that cause psoriasis to flare up.
After spending years on psoriasis, his interest spread to other skin conditions as he saw a commonality in the precipitating factors that initiate and continue to exacerbate these conditions. This eventually led Dr Tirant to develop his own treatment protocols and to formulate a number of topical and oral medications. The Dr Michaels and Seloderma range of products are available exclusively through affiliated clinics.
Dr Tirant’s treatment protocols are being successfully used in a number of European Hospitals by Professors of Dermatology, who have gained the confidence and faith in the work of Dr. Tirant. In fact, the topical family of the Dr Michaels Cleansing Gel, Scalp & Body Ointment and the Skin Conditioner have been so well accepted in Europe that Para-Medication Registration has been received. Double Blind Clinical Trials in Germany, Austria, Italy, Czech Rep and Slovakia which will be used in support of the FULL European Medicine Registration submission, are currently awaiting final Ethics Approval.
The products and methods used at the Healthy Skin Clinic have been developed by Dr Michael Tirant and incorporate over 25 years of research and clinical trials. This serves to ensure that the treatments used are based on cutting-edge science as well as clinical experience.
Dr Tirant has conducted many clinical trials in Australia and Europe and they have all demonstrated the effectiveness and safety of the treatment protocols employed by us.
Below is a selection of published trials:
Out of 345 patients...
"The evaluation of the treatment by the patients differs marginally from that of the physician. 12 patients described the treatment as “ineffective” compared to 9 by the physician. 47 patients considered the improvement as “moderate” compared to 36 by the physician . 55 patients described the improvement as “good” compared to 44 by the physician, while 241 patients listed “outstanding” improvement compared to 256 by the physician."
"It was so obvious in the study course that the verum products were superior to the
placebo preparations. Except for coal tar which is present in only the cleansing gel, none of the listed herbal ingredients is a known antipsoriatic remedy.
Therefore, an analysis for undeclared drugs (cortisone, calcipotriol, macrolides) was
undertaken although the producer (who is one of the authors, M.T.) gave a statement of innocuousness and provided the complete list of constituents and the respective material safety data sheets. Two samples of different batches of each product were analysed. None of the products contained any of the compounds mentioned above."
"We evaluate the results of therapy by Dr.Michaels remedies on average on 90% namely not only in 10 cases monitored in the study but in additional 65 cases treated in our clinic by these remedies."
Interested in seeking treatment? To speed the process along please complete our New Patient Form. Click the link to download our form and send it to info@healthyskinsolutions.com.au
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We are always happy to help out!