At the Healthy Skin Solutions, we use the Dr Michaels™ and Seloderma™ ranges of topical and oral medications, created by Dr Michael Tirant to treat a wide variety of skin conditions.
These photos display the effectiveness of the Healthy Skin Solutions' treatment protocols on various skin conditions.
More information about the treatments we use can be found under Medications and Clinical Trials.
I had acne through pretty much most of my teenage years and still had it right through my 20s as an adult and it made me really self-conscious. I tried different creams and medications prescribed from the doctors but didn't see many changes to my skin.
I came across Healthy Skin Solutions and booked in to see Luke. During my first appointment we talked about all the different causes that might be causing my acne and any changes that could be happening internally to my body. We discussed slightly altering my diet over the coming weeks, cutting down on certain foods until i saw Luke again to see if this changed how it affected my acne. I was also given medication which, when i went in for my second appointment seemed to work really well on my skin.
My pimples were beginning to reduce in size and the acne was already less red, swollen and Welty looking after just 2 weeks which I was really happy with and the most I had seen my skin change (for the better) in years.
At my next appointment I was given a facial scrub to use, which felt amazing after i used it and seemed to help fight my acne. During my last appointment and looking back at the photos from when I first came to see Luke, my skin had cleared up almost completely!
Luke and Hannah were both very friendly and helpful and I would highly recommend going to see them not just about acne but any skincare issues you may have. They are AMAZING and definitely worth it :)
Fedora, ACT
After years of being prescribed the same creams (with the same limited success) and battling my psoriasis, my partner booked me an appointment to see Luke. I must admit I was sceptical that anyone could help me, but I decided to humour my partner and come along. At that stage I had patches of psoriasis all over, was in constant pain, and was terrified of exposing any of my skin as I didn't want people to be disgusted by my rash or the accompanying flurry of dead skin flakes. Within a few weeks I was seeing results and as I write this, I am rash-free, and have been for a couple of months now. I quite honestly can't remember the last time I didn't have at least some patches of psoriasis and had even named the most persistent patch which had been a companion for almost a decade.
At my first appointment, Luke listened, and let me explain my symptoms and how they were affecting my life. He helped me identify the many factors contributing to my condition, including both lifestyle and diet factors, and we worked on a plan to address these; Luke prescribed supplements to help my body fight my condition, and a gentle cream to soothe my skin and help it heal. Luke – thank you. I don't know where I'd be now if I hadn't come to see you.
Sarah, ACT
I’ve been affected by psoriatic arthritis for at least 30 years where the swelling, pain and fatigue gradually got worse to the point of severely restricting what I could do. I tried everything from Methotrexate to various pills, lotions, and potions. Over the years I’ve managed to slow the progress of arthritis down with diet and gentle exercise but still felt that the arthritis was managing me.
Since seeing Luke Clews at the Psoriasis and Skin Clinic here in Canberra, the swelling and pain has markedly improved to the point where I find myself doing things, I have not been able to do for years. Most days are now full of activity without the drain of pushing through fatigue, although I still need to go gently and self-monitor.
Luke gave clear explanations with each step of the procedure; he listened with caring interest and personalised my treatment. There did initially seem to be a large volume of pills, and the diet a bit restrictive but by the next appointment, two weeks later, I felt so much more alive and was convinced that this treatment, unlike others, was working. Luke was very thorough, even performing in-house tests to rule out other factors.
Thanks to the treatment and encouragement from Luke I now feel like I’m in charge and responsible for my health. I am now aware that when I go off the diet, feel stress, get over tired or ignore my body signs that the symptoms can return.
Luke, ACT
At the end of April 2013 my husband, Roger, suffered a stroke which was caused by a bleed not a clot. He was making very good progress with the physiotherapists at Canberra hospital when our son aged 54 died suddenly from an aortic aneurism. Not surprisingly Roger had a serious reaction following this that included violently restless nights and, eventually, serious itching in every part of his body. Medications & creams were used in an effort of overcome this situation but with little or no success. The result of this was a failure to achieve the required progress in physiotherapy and his removal from hospital to a nursing home.
The skin problem continued until at last, desperate, we contacted Healthy Skin Solutions in Kingston. It was not a quick recovery but now, December 2015, Roger is free from itchy skin and the relief is immense. All treatment is with natural products and Roger is no longer on medication and improving physically as a result. We are grateful beyond words that we discovered Healthy Skin clinic and are able to recommend their treatment to anyone with a skin problem.
We are delighted to share our experience as it has been so effective and could help other sufferers to find the huge relief and benefit, we have.
Judith B, ACT
“I admit to attending the Psoriasis and Skin Clinic [now Healthy Skin Solutions] with a degree of scepticism. I have bought nearly every snake oil cure for Psoriasis on the market over the years with very little success. My scepticism was unwarranted, however. Luke Clews not only provided topical creams and body wash which cleared up my Psoriasis within 6 weeks but also a holistic plan for managing my Psoriasis into the future. I was absolutely thrilled with the result and the advice Luke provided regarding ongoing diet and exercise is very easy to manage.”
Anna S, NSW
"I developed psoriasis when I was 44 and felt quite hopeless about the long-term prognosis as I had seen my father suffer terribly with the disease. During the first few years, I tried the usual array of treatments offered by the GP. My mum showed me an ad for the Psoriasis and Skin Clinic (Healthy Skin Solutions) and I thought I would give it a try. At my first appointment, we discussed the underlying triggers of psoriasis - blood types and foods to avoid as well as lifestyle and work pressures. I left with a plan, medications and cream and I felt optimistic. This approach made sense to me. Within days of following the regime, my psoriasis had improved and by about 4 weeks I had a couple of very pale-looking patches. By 6 weeks I had no psoriasis at all! I was amazed and thrilled. As I continued to see the team, I developed a better understanding of my psoriasis and the triggers for me. Now 4 years on I manage my psoriasis and choices around the triggers. I know what not to eat and drink and have been able to make good choices, however, I can choose to eat that little bit of ice cream or eat some berries knowing the impact on my skin and what it will take to get back to normal. I have no hesitation in recommending Guy and Luke and the Psoriasis and Skin Clinic, they are caring and skilled professionals who will work with you to manage your skin problems."
Meredith S, S
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