Canberra has begun its annual change of season, with gorgeous leaf-lined streets ablaze with colour and heaters and fires being fired up after a (thankfully) long break. However, for people who suffer from diseases like eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and rosacea the change of season can signal a worsening of their condition.
This is a common problem and is caused by a variety of different factors. In large part however, the problem comes down to levels of moisture in your skin.
Cold winds, low humidity, heating and wood fires, reduced thirst reflex or just the wrong warm clothing; the causes are varied but the results are itchy and inflamed skin. So what can you do to alleviate the discomfort?
In many cases the alleviation of discomfort caused by dry skin is simply a matter of paying attention to these simple rules. And when it comes to irritating skin problems, being mindful can save you a lot of problems down the track.