More and more studies are exposing a link between a lack of vitamin D and skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and urticaria (hives).
Most people understand the importance of getting their daily doses of vitamins and minerals. They will load up on the ‘essentials’ such as a B complex, vitamin C and calcium, but vitamin D is often forgotten.
With the cooler months now upon us, getting a natural source of vitamin D from the sun will become more difficult. For that reason, it is more important than ever to keep up our vitamin D levels to ensure optimal skin health and overall health and wellbeing.
Vitamin D is known as “the sun vitamin”, however, contrary to popular belief, simply being out in the sun is often not enough to achieve adequate levels for our bodies. Over a billion people worldwide are vitamin D deficient and studies have found that people with eczema are more likely to have insufficient levels. People with eczema and low vitamin D levels have also been shown to be more at risk of developing skin infections.
Whilst the reason has not yet been discovered, skin conditions like eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis often worsen in the colder month for adults and especially children. Harvard Medical School suggests that people, whose symptoms do worsen in winter, should try taking a vitamin D supplement when their symptoms flare and see if it makes a noticeable difference.
If vitamin supplements don’t appeal to you, then there are other easy methods of achieving healthy vitamin D levels. Try eating foods with plenty of fatty fish oils, egg yolk and fortified dairy products (as long as you’re not allergic!) for a great source of the essential vitamin.
So for growth, development and your skin, be sure to start including vitamin D in your daily vitamin routine.